Friday, September 2, 2011

Saludos de Modelo(todo via)

Hola Familia!
We had changes this week and let me tell you, what a change. Hna Woods headed to another zone, to open a new area with a new missionary, and I am here in Modelo, wth the cellular that everyone calls when they get sick. Oh and my companion-also a new Hna. So I am Training for my first time, and I've got the full carga of the Mission health Specialist. I forsee great growth-at least on my part. So we've had an interesting week. We're teaching Diana Lara and I just love it, She accepts every commitment and Is gaining such a strong testimony of the church. We also found another family the other day, and I am so excited to go back and teach them again. We are really focusing on families, because the goal is the temple.
Quiero ver... Sunday night we found out about changes, monday we went to San Salvador to do some things for nursing(and visit a member in the hospital) and then we came back and we attended to the new Missioneries, and Hna Woods packed, then Tuesday we had our new people meeting and Hna Woods went to her new are with her new comp and I came back to mine with my new comp, and we started working. And thats what we´ve been doing everyday since. I really do love the mission. Hna Cordon always says the mission is like a pressure cooker. That we learn so much, and grow so much, faster than others who don't have this experience.
Love ya'll
Hna Allen

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