Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Wow, so I just realized that I haven't updated what I'm doing since May.
Well I decided to serve an LDS mission, and I report to the Provo MTC on January 12th of 2011. I will be serving in the El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize Mission Spanish speaking. I will be in the MTC in Provo for 3 weeks then I go to the MTC in Guatamala for 6 weeks. I plan on posting my addresses on here as well as on Facebook. I also hope to get my mom or sister to maybe post e-mails I send them (probably mass e-mails) on here, but we'll see. I know I would love to recieve mail from all.
I'm so excited to go and spread the Good News!
IN a more family related news update, Ben has decided to get married, and will be getting married this Saturday, they will be having their reception in January so that those of their friends who are in school can come. He's marrying Monique Langford, who is a native of San Antonio Texas. We are so excited to welcome her to the family.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Merry Christmas, yesterday LOL

So yesterday we got about three inches of snow at home. Wonderful, as long as I forgot it is supposed to be spring. I really do like snow, but I'm ready to plant a garden, weed, water harvest and all that stuff. And Dad would really like to be in the fields, but we get snow/rain, then it melts and is almost dry enough to get into the fields when it rains/snows again. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the moisture, but it'd be nice to have to crops into the ground before June. So yesterday I felt like I should be singing 'walkin' in a winter wonderland' and other not really christmas/but winter songs.
But today it is bright and sunny, and I could almost pretend that it is warm. The grass is green, and the trees are starting to bud out. Today it feels a little like early spring. : ) Yeay for spring!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pick my self back up...

So my last update is already out of date. On Friday my position with TVH was eliminated, and as of Friday I am no longer employed, which means I get the joy of starting the job application process all over again. I'm doing alright, I guess mostly I'm just frustrated. Just when things were going well, I have to start over again. So onward and forward I go... :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Hey y'all I'm a bit lax on my blogging, but that's mostly 'cause I have a job, and other than that I think my life is pretty dull. But here is a real quick update on me.
I'm living at home, helping mom out, and savings money on rent, while I am working at TVH in the PACU(post anesthesia care unit). I am loving it. For me it is kind of like working in the ER 'cause you see the patient, take care of them, then send them home or send them to the floor. Total time with one patient is less than 6 hours. I think I like it so much because it changes so much, and I, oddly enough, like variety when I work. I keep telling myself that maybe I really do like change in general, but I still haven't convinced me. (strange side note). Hmm, what else, Oh yeah, I cut my hair. Chopped it of to the chin. its great, a little anoying 'cause it doesn't pin back real well, but the amount of shampoo I use has dramatically decreased, and it is great to have a change. I think I might need another change in a little while, I'll have to think up what I can do to change up my life a little (like rearrange my room, or redo the walls or something.)
My mom has been doing spring cleaning, and she has this kick that she'd like her house to loose some weight, but all we've really done is talk about it. We started with the upstairs closet, but I don't think anything has left yet. I need to go through the books and thin out the ones that no one reads, but before that I need to clean my room and make my closet loose some weight. I have stuff in there that doesn't fit, or I never wear that I really do just need to get rid of. I heard a great idea the other day how to figure out which clothes you never wear. Turn all your hangers around so they are the "wrong" way (bear with me you OCD nut), then as you wear the items of clothing from the closet, turn the hanger the "right" way and by the end of a pre-determined amount of time you will know what clothes you never wear (think ok when I get out my spring/summer wardrobe I'll do this, and when fall comes I'll know which clothes are just taking up space.) genius.
Alright, so that's enough rambling. That foray into my mind was probably more than you really wanted, but there it is.
I think that was rather therapeutic. I may have to ramble on here again soon.