Friday, September 16, 2011

Hola fam!

Hola familia! saludos de Modelo!

This week has flown by, and this day is flying by too, Today I am going to learn how to make atol which will be for an activity of the ward. We have to be there at 2 and we also have to go and get glasses for hna sanchez. Tomorrow we have a baptism of Diana Lora, we are so excited for that. I am amazed how much my spanish has gotten better solo because I live with 3 latinas. I am learning so much and I am loving the people and the mission.

Happy late birthday to Jake and Zac.

Yesterday was a holiday here, like the 4th of july, it was hard to find people in their houses because they went to the parade, and all the festivities. I still am not sure what they were celebrating exactly, but when I asked my latin comp and roomates they didn't really know why either.
This change so far has been very divertido. We smile and laugh a lot.

The rest of the Hnas are waiting for me to finish, and I am waiting for Elder Guirola to finish passing all the numbers from one phone to the other. The phone that I was using stopped reading my sim card, but it reads his, so we are switching, and he's putting the phone numbers that are important for the nurse in the other phone.

Love ya tons,
Hna Allen

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