Friday, November 18, 2011

P day again!

Hola familia
I'm writing a little early today because... we're going to the temple!!!!
this week has gone by really fast. Let me think Friday after we wrote we went and made baliaras with Pres and Hna Cordon, then we had our ward mission activity which went well. sat was a pretty normal domingo as well, monday I went to the office and we changed my hours of office for mondays, so I'll get to work a little in the morning. wohoo! Tuesday we did intercambios in the morning, but in the pm we had to go to the office for an interview for one of my comps, and then we came back and worked some more. Wednesday (Hna Estrada and I) went to Ataco and Hna Salazar stayed and worked in the area with a member(divisions), we left about 8 in the mornign and got back at almost 6 at night. We took Hna Bonilla's things to her and Hna Estrada packed her stuff and we brought it back to our house, and went and worked for 2 hours. Thursday we planned as a district in the stake center, and after we planned we made tejadas(another food from Honduras, its what happens when you are the only non honduranian in your district.). Yummy! went back and worked, and today WOHOOO we're going to the temple.
We've got some great investigators, that I love so much, but they haven't come to church yet. They unfortunately have a busness on sunday they go to the concha(soccerfields) and sell things to the hungry and thirsty jugadores. We also are teaching the wife of a less active member, who unfortunately her greatest challenge is her husband. He doesn't want to come to church, and she doesn't want to come with out him. We also dropped one of our investigators, it is sad, but she had no desire to know if it is true, let alone come to church. :(
I hope that I get to send a package with Hna Woods when she goes home(Wed). She said she'd mail it to y'all from arizona. Lucky me I live in the house where she'll sleep the night before she leaves, and where she will rearrange her bags for the plane.
Changes are this next week. I don't have any idea what will happen. I do know that I won't be in trio for another change(4 hnas come, 3 go so we'll be back to even numbers with the Hnas). Whohoo. Trios are difficult to teach, to tract, to arrange everything, but at times very convenient because we only have to find 1 sister to be able to do divisions.
Love y'all tons
Hna Allen

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