Friday, July 1, 2011

Hola familia!

This will be short as I don't have much time, we recieved a call from an hermana this morning who was having severe abdominal pain, we did our telephone assessment, and consulted the AMA and we wound up heading to San Salvador to the hospital and turns out she had appendicitis and needed an appy, so we just got back from San Salvador and have a few minutes to write. Things are going well, president Cordon is very nice, and he has a great vision for the mission. We've found a few families that are promising, and we're already seeing miracles from those few VIPs who were able to go the the open house before the official starting day(today). We're hoping to bring a family to the open house on next wednesday.
We still have to go shopping and get food for the week, and we have a cita with an investigator at 530 and supposably correlation at 5(we'll see he's always late) so sorry about how short this was. Hopefully next week will be an almost normal pday.
Love ya'll
Hna Allen

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