Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey so I was working on a map of my area and thought I'd send you a link, so you can see (kinda) what candelaria looks like :) it goes all the way out to El Jute and we've been up to Santiago de la Frontera, but only once that used to be another area and they had some investigators there, but we've had to drop them because it was to far. and it also goes out to (i think) La Arenera.
Love ya!,-95.677068&sspn=51.621706,113.994141&ie=UTF8&geocode=FYl70gAd7ouz-g&split=0&hq=&hnear=El+Salvador&ll=14.112765,-89.650455&spn=0.003886,0.006958&t=h&z=18>

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