Tuesday, April 14, 2009

spring! come back!

Sigh, spring is taunting me. When I moved all of my stuff out of my apartment in Rexburg last Saturday, the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining brightly and I was very comfortable in my shorts that I wore. When I arrived in Victor that night it was to dark to see much, but I could tell that there were still snow banks lining the road, big ones. The sun came up for a beautiful Easter Sunday, and I was hoping that the fields of white that I could see would start to melt, BUT, spring ran the other direction on Monday as IT SNOWED. Spring screamed, FOOLED YOU! and laughed manically. I haven't seen the sun since, as all day today it has been raining/snowing. It depends on when you look out the window whether you see little while fluffy things falling or just splashes in the puddles. Its cold and wet, and I want spring back. Of course it is only April, so it isn't surprising that spring is taunting me. I'm sure it will come back sometime, I think, I hope. Sigh.

1 comment:

Megan Peterson said...

Don't feel too bad Mem. Spring has been taking us for a ride in Rexburg too. I woke up with snow on the ground. I went to the gym and the sun was shining and the snow gone. And now I think it's getting windy and overcast again. Bleh. I think Spring should have a good talking to.