Thursday, March 5, 2009

Really quick update

Well, school has been flying, and I have had a blast in my sewing and dance classes, and my water aerobics class haas been pretty fun too. I love my religion classes and because of those, my favorite days are tuesday and thursday because I get a double dose of religion class. : ) The sun is shining britely, and the days have been warm (ie 40s) the snow is staring to melt and the gound is muddy and the sidewalks are puddled. I love spring. (SARCASM DRIPPING) What I can't figure out is why my knees hurt. Not the "a storm is coming" ache, but the this knee has been in the wrong position for two long and now it won't bear weight well pain. It hurts to walk! I am really not looking forward to the stoll across campus today. On the lighter side, I have my information meeting for Nauvoo next thursday, and I am soooooo excited to get to go to Nauvoo! I need to do my nursing homework, but I have been having a hard time making myself do it. I guess it is bad when all other homework is more fun that the homework for you major. : ( I guess it is probably time for me to be done with school, though I just don't want the semester to end. I think I am going to miss school. I've been applying to jobs, and I have had an interview, but I don't know if I got the job and I should find out today, tomorrow or monday. I hope I got it, but if not I'll just have to widen my search for a job. : ( Time to limp up to the Taylor. ; )

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