Saturday, July 26, 2008

Back to the burg

Well, I finished school last thursday, did my clean check friday and then headed to IF to see Mom, Dani and Lac. Dani and Mom were there for Sheena's wedding, and Lac met us to get a girls picture while dani was here. Then we went to Poci to go to Sheena's reception and then we went to dinner together, and we came back to IF, and I drove back to the 'burg and picked up Anita. By that time I had an awful headache and I was way tired as it was around 1130ish and driving makes me tired, anyway Anita drove us home with me coaching her, and we got home around one, unloaded Anita's suitcase and went to sleep. I played with Dani, and mom all weekend and then on tuesday I drove Anita back to the 'burg so she could catch her shuttle to SLC and then fly home. I unpacked my bags from home, and repacked them and headed to Poci to play with my niece and Sky and Lac. Poor Abi wasn't feeling well for a lot of the time I was there, so she was fussy, emotional and clingy, which as long as she didn't burst into tears when I spoke to her I was OK with though I felt bad for her. She had a fever for several of the days and then on saturday we went yardsaling and she was way fussy and when we got back into the car Lac noticed she had spots all over. The poor kid got chicken pox from her vaccines. At least it is a weakend version. Oh well, I'll have to try and visit again, hopefully next time she won't be sick.

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