Monday, June 23, 2008


Yet another fabulous FHE has come and gone. We had a water baloon fest. We had a blast filling up water baloons, then we launched them (using a water ballon launcher) at a group and saw who could catch them and where they got hit. Then we filled up more water baloons, soaking each other in the process. It kinda reminded me of our Allen family soakings. Anyway we ate cake to celebrate one of our FHE brother's birthday that is tomorrow, then tossed the baloons back and forth and saw how far away we could be and still catch them, not very far, then we wound up just throwing them at each other. And then we were out of baloons again so we went and filled up more, and then launched them at the group and we had fun trying to break the fast moving water balloons on our bodies, heads, chests, butts, backs etc. We had a BLAST! Megz again brought her camera and when she gets a chance she said she would again post the pics on her page.

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